Jun 7, 2022Liked by Sharon McRae

Thank you!

Loved this article, and your experience. 'Quiet' really changed my life too. Its epiphanous to realise your weaknesses have been strengths all along! I agree that its a must-read for introverted people (and those living with an introvert.)

Thanks for a great insightful read.

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022Liked by Sharon McRae

Well said! A thoughtful article that explains introversion well :)

I'm an ambivert and as the years have passed I lean much more heavily towards being an introvert... or maybe I've just grown up and my burnout helped me understand there's no need to 'push through' and become someone we just aren't.

I think experiences in life, trauma, the stresses of life and our hormones also contribute to a change in what your body/brain needs and can cope with.

All personalities have such beautiful qualities and are needed in this world, and its nice to know that there's no such thing as 'normal' :)

Thanks for an engaging read Sharon!

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Sharon McRae

Really excellent article! I’m definitely an introvert who you’ll find incognito – pseudo-extroverting! 😂

So good, so insightful.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Sharon McRae

Really enjoyed this article. I’m most certainly an introvert, looking for ways to be invisible and finding comfort in nature, silence and art. It is so good to be reminded that I’m normal. Thankyou!

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